Monday of Spring Break Week

Along with the restlessness of the weather and Spring in general, there is the restlessness of kids getting out of school for a week. The tension has been building, I can feel it. There’s a sense of increasing chaos all about me. Parents in our community and in our state are anticipating this week when […]

Mind Watching

Many mornings, I start the day like this: light a candle, get a cup of coffee in hand, sit and watch my mind go ’round. What I notice is that my mind usually goes to thinking about my children and grandchildren. Isn’t that what mothers do from day one? At other times of the day, my mind frequently […]

An evening out

Steve and I drove to Corvallis this evening. We went to see our grandson play basketball. The two grandgirls were there too… and Jody and her husband Paul; also Paul’s parents. So, we really hit the jackpot! On top of that, our guys won the game! We had made a plan to have dinner afterwards, […]